How One of the Largest Global Chemical Manufacturers Slashed Its UC Management Costs by 80%


Who is the Client?

Chemical manufacturer present in over 160 countries with +60,000 employees


Reduce operation costs without compromising functionality

UC Management Challenges:

High complexity, tight schedule, small team, demanding customers


Automate UC lifecycle management


UC operational costs reduced by 80%

When your UC management takes too much time and money

This chemical manufacturer managed their Unified Communication lifecycle on-prem until day-to-day operations costs got out of control. The demand was high, but operations were manual, and it started hurting the entire organization’s productivity. Real-time communications and collaboration functions are crucial for business success, especially when you have over 69,000 employees distributed across 160 countries.

It’s hard to meet the pressing daily needs of UC management tasks when each ticket can take up to an hour to complete. Especially when only a small team of highly skilled IT personnel can assist. That is until management decided to automate the management of the UC lifecycle.

We have begun to rely daily on user templates and really like them.
Senior Voice Analyst
Multinational Technology Company

Reduce costs and enhance functionality

In order to reduce operational costs associated with their Unified Communications system (CUCM), the company implemented Tuki’s automated UC management solution which helped automate many of its day-to-day UC-related tasks and activities. Tuki helped set up the proper infrastructure to service the end-users and the IT team, ensuring a single source of truth that’s accessible remotely and securely. 

Tuki’s cloud-based Unified Communication management solution helped this enterprise optimize working conditions, achieve high productivity and exponential user adoption at scale.

Implementation of Tuki’s solution covered:

  • Connecting all the users, devices, and call routing management 
  • Providing a user-friendly self-management portal (domain management)
  • Simple and seamless migration from on-premise to Cloud 
  • Integration to Service Now rest API 
  • Billing

Tuki’s migration to the Cloud required no downtime, ensuring user satisfaction and business continuity.
The entire process, implementation, and onboarding of 69,000 employees HCS seats in 162 worldwide sites in 21 countries took only 3 weeks.

It’s hard to meet the pressing daily needs of UC management tasks when each ticket can take up to an hour to complete. Especially when only a small team of highly skilled IT personnel can assist. That is until management decided to automate the management of the UC lifecycle.

I cannot express my appreciation enough – Tuki will be such a huge help in getting my guys to get these call handler tickets completed more quickly.
Voice Support Specialist
Top Tier Global Insurance Company

Achieve significant operational savings, 80% and higher

So what happens when a distributed organization with 69,000 employees implements Tuki to automate its UC lifecycle management? 

This manufacturer significantly reduced the need for domain experts from 50 down to just 10  admins, reducing 80% of UC management costs. 

Tuki’s automated UC management solution, specifically its provisioning tool, enabled fast and easy onboarding and adoption, as well as rapid transition to self-care management. 

By empowering users to complete UC-related tasks quickly on their own, without having to rely on the technical support team, Tuki not only enabled the company to streamline its UC management but also reduced IT costs significantly.

tuki correnet

Tuki is a Cisco business partner

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