The Hidden Benefits of Unified Communications in the Public Sector

The Hidden Benefits of Unified Communications in the Public Sector

Smooth and quick communication in the public sector can mean the difference between life and death. We’ve discussed in previous blog posts all the benefits of Unified Communications, focusing on businesses in the private sector. Think improved communication, collaboration, workplace flexibility, and API integration, just to name a few.

Although the public sector is the same in many ways as the private sector, it certainly has different priorities and pressures. There are certainly some unique advantages that will benefit organizations or teams working in the public sector. Let’s jump right in.

1. Cross-department communication


Public agencies rarely work in isolation, there are always going to be times when you need to share information or communicate with teams from other departments or even other states/countries. Sharing information regardless of location is a key Unified Communications benefit.

Replace headaches trying to send large files to your colleagues in another team with sharing stacks of information using the cloud. Quick and easy access to those you want to share with and end-to-end encryption means your information is 100% secure.

You want your systems to be simple, easy, and quick to use so that nobody is kept waiting and all your time and focus can be spent on the job at hand. It doesn’t matter whether it is in law enforcement, emergency medical care, or dealing with potential natural disasters – instant and seamless communication is a must. These data sources can even be accessed securely in the field – as long as there is internet then your team can access information quickly and securely.


2. Compliance and Privacy


Oversights happen. Every organization has different operational oversight requirements and cloud-based UC integration makes meeting, even exceeding these requirements, a piece of cake. This is without a doubt one of the main benefits of Unified Communication platforms – improved compliance without any extra work.

Remote monitoring allows both management and external agencies to monitor and make sure that your public service organization is doing things in the right way, meaning that the public is getting the service they pay for with their hard-earned tax dollars.

3. Improved control and management 


Data security is vital, you need to know that the right people have access to the right files and that information is kept in the right teams. With straightforward UC management tools, this is an absolute breeze, all without adding to the IT team’s workload. It’s never been easier to ensure that information is safe and secure.

Every time someone accesses, shares, or changes a file, there will be a complete log of exactly what happened. In the public sector, this is the gold standard. The difference is that when using efficient UC systems, this happens automatically and without adding any additional workload for any team members.


4. Cost and efficiency savings


The purse strings are always going to be tight in the public sector, perhaps even more so than in private enterprise. Because the business is government-funded, budgets are often tight, so cost reduction is always a priority.

Properly managed UC will slash the costs for your private sector business, all the while increasing the efficiency of your staff. No more unnecessary travel or costly on-premises management is required; Everything can all be done remotely. Your IT team will have more time to work on breakthrough tech instead of resetting passwords and programming extensions. 

UCaaS will often deliver cost savings without a large initial outlay – you won’t need to pay a fortune to buy whole new systems as the software runs on existing systems. And no more spending a fortune to rent antiquated traditional phone systems. Once you switch to UC, you will wonder how you ever worked without it.


5. Slashed administration without cutting corners


As well as cost savings – UC provides huge reductions in administration, often one of the most frustrating parts of working in the public sector. Systems can be easily put into place to automate much of the boring and repetitive admin work while checking and making sure all the information is compliant and adheres to expected standards. No more getting your coworker to double-check you’ve filled a form incorrectly, the advanced automated UC systems can do this for you. Reducing mistakes and decreasing workload – a dream come true.


Saving lives while saving dollars with Tuki

Well-managed UC can be a massive game-changer for the public sector. It’s never been easier to collaborate or communicate, all while ensuring you are compliant 100% of the time.

Switching to semi-automatic UC management would have your employees, IT, and managers thanking you. Pain-free migration and adoption of thousands of employees are one of Tuki’s specialties. Our team has a wealth of experience across various businesses and agencies, making this process simple, with zero downtime or data loss.


Don’t kick yourself for not trying it sooner. Save time and money with Tuki – get in touch today.

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