Why UC Is Costing You WAY Too Much and What You Can Do About It

A company's unified communications system is one of the most expensive yet necessary business expenses as it is responsible for ensuring successful communication and collaboration throughout the enterprise.
: Why UC Is Costing You WAY Too Much and What You Can Do About It

UC systems are the swiss army knife of communication for enterprises, encompassing a whole array of communication and collaboration methods: phones, conferencing, chat, emails, and much more. They enable effective communication both inside and outside the organization.

But even UC solutions have flaws. UC solutions are complex and require constant maintenance by highly trained IT professionals with specific know-how and expertise. UC maintenance and manpower costs can quickly skyrocket and become a huge expense if not managed properly and optimized over time. Expenses that hurt your business operations as a whole and the IT department specifically.

In this blog post, we will explore the hidden costs associated with UC management and how you can reduce them significantly and take a massive workload off your IT department.


The hidden cost of UC management

If you are not using an automated UC management solution it is likely your IT team wastes way too much time on UC management. For big companies that means as the company grows the need for highly trained professionals grows with it, but it doesn’t have to be the case.

The sad reality is your company is paying too much for trained professionals. If your IT guys spend 1.5 hours onboarding a new employee, you’re misapplying your IT resources. If you open call forwarding tickets when you have hundreds or thousands of employees, you just discovered a significant misuse of your IT resources. Oops.

Years ago, there was no way to escape IT dependency. But the availability of automated and cloud-based UC management solutions today makes it super easy for users themselves to take care of all the changes within the UC system in just a few minutes instead of the hours it can take to wait for someone from the support team to get around to it.

The more time-dependent you are on your IT team for simple UC-related tasks, the fewer resources you have to advance on technological fronts and urgent tickets and issues.

So, how would you like to reduce UC management costs and reduce the number of petty IT tickets at the same time?


A better way to manage unified communications operations

The belief that Cisco Unified Call Manager (CUCM) is too technical for HR or the employees themselves was true until automated UC management solutions came to be. With the right tools, you can delegate daily and repetitive tasks to anyone with a computer. Your IT department won’t see another ticket for functions like call forwarding because non-technical folks will be able to take care of these simple functions themselves.

You’re already paying premium prices for complicated UC systems that require unique know-how. Adding a user-friendly interface to manage the UC lifecycle makes it easy for non-experts to handle daily repetitive tasks and frees up your highly proficient IT folks to their more critical responsibilities.


How automated UC lifecycle management helps reduce your IT expenses

One way to reduce IT cost associated with unified communications is to add a more innovative and user friendly UC management solution. Automated UC solutions like Tuki unburden your IT team and empower your users and employees with a user friendly interface.

Adding this simplified interface will save time and money and get time-sensitive tasks like employee onboarding and offboarding done faster than you can say ‘unified communications’.

Your IT team will forget about long-drawn duties every time a new employee comes or leaves because most of these tasks will become simple tasks that users can do themselves; your IT team will finally have time to tackle their long backlog.

Automated UC management is what IT departments and resilient enterprises want.


More benefits from automated UC management

Tuki’s cloud-based UC management system has many benefits, including the ability to scale up and down depending on your company’s needs giving you newfound flexibility and control over costs, two things Covid taught us are imperative for business survival.

No downtime, no risks, and it’s super simple for anyone on the team to use.

Cloud-based UC management solutions are also more secure because the data is not onsite, so you don’t have to worry about that whole “hackers stealing all of your secrets.” Additionally, Tuki helps enterprises stay agile and flexible as it enables teams to manage the UC from anywhere.

Unified Communications systems like Cisco Unified Call Manager are complex, but Tuki makes ongoing management so easy that you’ll need fewer IT engineers with special qualifications or experience.

Ready to get your unified communication management to the next level? Click here to get started.

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