The Benefits of Cloud-Based Unified Communications Management

Enterprises and large companies already know that 24/7 communication and collaboration of the moving parts are essential to their growth and success. Covid made us see the light in the shape of a cloud, and innovative businesses leverage it to adapt to this new reality with ease.
Cloud-Based Unified Communications Management

This reality forced us to find solutions for remote collaboration and communication hence unified cloud service. So it’s no surprise unified cloud service became so popular with enterprises. 


With the right cloud unified communications solution, you can significantly reduce costs. You can even migrate to the cloud with zero downtime. Still, cloud unified communications offers much more than simply saving money. 


What is Cloud Unified Communications?


Cloud unified communications lets engineers and UC managers remotely manage consolidated enterprise communication applications, systems, and devices that control:


  • Audio and video conferencing
  • Call recording
  • Desktop sharing
  • Instant messaging
  • File sharing
  • Mobility 
  • Presence


Managing every application or system one by one was too time-consuming, so the brightest brains in the world had this insane idea to combine them all. 


UC managers, engineers, and IT professionals worldwide rejoiced and almost declared a national holiday. Because technical people love efficiency and control over their systems. 


Mainly when innovative solutions remove redundancies from their day to day helping them meet their goals and business needs faster than ever. YAY UC.


The Benefits of Cloud Unified Communications

Most technical solutions do more than eliminate pain. They sweeten the deal by offering multiple features that add a competitive edge. 


Features aside, cloud unified communications offers lots of benefits that strengthen the brand, employee motivation, and efficiency. Let’s see how.


Automate workflows


Putting UC administration in the cloud introduces freedoms and flexibility few experienced before. Cloud unified communications make daily UC management run on autopilot after one configuration controls hundreds of accounts across the company


Tasks like onboarding, deployment, and provisioning users, devices, lines, and call routings will declutter the IT ticket queue.


Moreover, replacing 30 minutes per employee set up with a one-time setup helps:

  • Reduce the chance of human error
  • Enhance security and risk management
  • Enforce company policies 
  • Save time & money (more on that later)


Make provisioning fast & easy


Need to get a new employee set up on the UC? Cloud unified communication can help you automate UC provisioning, so you’re good to go in just a few seconds. 


Actually, you can hand off this task to HR managers because they’ll be able to do it all themselves in their self-service portal


Do it. Make onboarding and offboarding employees faster and easier for the business or the new employee.


Instant scalability


Of course, one of the most significant benefits of a cloud-managed service is flexibility. The cloud is elastic as it can bend to your needs, and makes accommodating ever-changing business needs easy. Having your data stored in the cloud makes it easy to relocate, grow your team, or move offices. 


Unburden IT & remove dependency


What if you could allow users to manage their UC on their own without waiting around for the support team? Totally doable with automated unified communications on the cloud.


Releasing your IT staff from managing UC services is vital so they can focus on those tasks that drive business growth and make you money. It’s one of the ways to optimize UC management and reduce costs drastically.


Accessible anywhere, anytime 


Cloud unified communication provides a way of streamlining and centralizing your data. That way, everyone in the workforce has access to the same information and systems, no matter where they are in the world. 


The Cloud provides the means to destroy the silo mentality and help the business succeed. 


So every employee has access to the most up-to-date information with 24/7 availability.


Money savings


Managing unified communication in the cloud can help you slash UC management costs by 80% or higher. 


Check out this tale of UC migration to the cloud about one of our customers, a chemical manufacturer in over 160 countries with +60,000 employees. 


The migration took 3 weeks, no downtime, and zero disruption to the business. Totally painless.




Managing unified communication is complex. Engineers must go through advanced training to handle simple tasks. Cloud automated UC management solution makes maintenance intuitive and straightforward. 


The cloud helps automate and simplify everyday activities, so you don’t need any special training or experience to perform daily tasks. Employees can take care of their troubleshooting.


Enhanced security 


In the GDPR era, security is one of the most significant issues IT teams have to monitor and manage. 


When moving to a cloud environment, the last thing you want is for your sensitive data to be unprotected or out of sync. Traditional UC management solutions that manage their separate databases on the cloud can leave data at risk. 


The cloud is constantly saving changes ensuring the data, files, and access control is always up to date. 


Manage your UC lifecycle with Tuki


While it may be harder for large organizations to implement change, moving your UC management to the cloud is one change you need. 


Tuki perfected the integration and migration process for maximum business continuity for you and your team.


Considering moving your UC operation to the cloud so you can save time, money and employee frustration? Great. Let’s talk. 

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tuki correnet

Tuki is a Cisco business partner

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