UCaaS vs CPaaS: What’s the Difference?

UCaaS vs CPaaS: What's the Difference?

First things first, you may be wondering what UCaaS and CPaaS actually are. Both are revolutionary technologies designed to modernize IT systems in the workplace. Keep reading for the key differences and what you need to think about when you’re considering UCaaS vs. CPaaS.

UCaaS vs CPaaS: Understanding the Acronyms

First, let’s break down those acronyms. UCaaS stands for Unified Communications as a Service. It is a cloud-based replacement for traditional on-premises communications systems. 

UCaaS is a platform where employees access a single system that allows them to manage all of their communication and collaboration tools, whether it is audio/video calling, file sharing, or one of the many other amazing features UCaaS has to offer

The best part, it’s so simple to use your employees won’t depend on your IT team as much.

CPaaS means Communication Platform as a Service. It’s more of a framework on which other programs, APIs, and tools are loaded, bespoke for each business and their needs. 

It allows companies to expand and add new tools and programs without having to start from scratch with a new system. Using a CPaaS backend means less management for your IT team while empowering everyone to use the latest technology to improve their productivity.

Seamless Communication with UCaaS

Cloud UCaaS is a game-changer for so many businesses. But you have to be prepared to ask the right questions to ensure your UC business needs are met. Large organizations rely on Unified Communications to improve systems and enable staff to be more productive without having to open hundreds of tickets for the IT team. 

Take your business to the next level by leveraging UC best practices for access and day-to-day management. Unified Communications offer many advantages over traditional telephone systems, not least of which is reducing costs and improving overall employee happiness.

More and more businesses are using UC to make life easy for everyone. Your employees will work more efficiently and your IT team no longer has to dread manual and repetitive ongoing UC management. 

Save valuable IT time by using UCaaS to automate processes with an easy-to-use self-service UC portal. Be sure to use companies that know how to efficiently manage automated UCaaS migration. Like Tuki did with this one manufacturer

A Complete Custom Solution for Your Business with CPaaS

Customization is the name of the game with CPaaS. Imagine your existing custom APIs and all your communication and collaboration tools connected to one platform.

Your internal communication system can now be easily integrated with other programs and your systems can analyze complex data using your tool of choice to help you gain an edge over your competition.

CPaaS also allows your business to interact with your customers better. You can even increase communication and efficiency by using custom chatbots and website forms. You can leverage AI-based chatbots to interact with your customers before they reach your front-line workers, meaning that they have all the information they need to drive sales or deliver a great customer service experience.

Why Not Both UCaaS AND CPaaS?

Thankfully, this isn’t an either/or situation. A perfect solution for your business might be to have a CPaaS system in place, with a UCaaS service layered on top to enjoy the advantages of both.

UCaaS powers top-notch internal communication with great features such as HD video conferences with instant auto-generated minutes after every meeting. Add this on top of your custom APIs on the CPaaS system and take your business to the next level.

The one-two punch of CPaaS and UCaaS will increase productivity in your business through better communication and smooth collaboration, all without increasing the burden on IT. Be on the cutting edge of enterprise cloud communications and get ahead of your competitors with improved productivity, employee retention, and lower costs.

Your IT team’s workload would be lightened because they no longer have to do mundane and repetitive tasks as you’ve automated most of your UC provisioning and onboarding. This means that IT can do what they were hired to do with fewer distractions. They will finally have the time to develop key tools for your business needs and you gain a huge competitive advantage over your competitors.


Give Your IT Team Time and Space to Innovate with Tuki

When you’re choosing your UCaaS provider, you need to know that they have the knowledge and experience to make Unified Communication work for your business. You want someone with a track record. 

You want a simple migration process and an easy-to-use system that will make life a breeze for your IT administrators and empower your employees to customize their communication and collaboration tools with ease.

Tuki is one of the leading providers of Unified Communication for enterprises. Tuki has migrated 69,000 employees from 21 countries in just 3 weeks, with zero downtime. 

Getting your hands on advanced Unified Communications management means your IT team spends less time managing day-to-day provisioning and frees up more time for innovation and creativity.

No more stress, just a system that works. Click here to arrange a chat with one of our team to discover what Tuki can do for your business. 

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